And the Winner Is...
Nanuq (also spelled Nanook or Nanuk) is an Inuit name meaning "Polar Bear." You may have heard of the children's story Nanuq of the North. Nanuq is a popular name for working dogs in Alaska.
Sadly, I did not choose any of the wonderful names you suggested. So here's my top 10 favorites. Sometime soon, all nominators will receive a small gift from Nanuq thanking you for your suggested name:
1. The Notorius C.A.T. aka Biggie (courtesy Jessie From the Block, Erika and Nick), which plays on my love of the rap/hip-hop music that's all the rage with the kids these days. Check out this hilarious clip, forwarded yesterday from Jessie, to get a sense of what a rapping cat might sound like.
2. Tanuki (courtesy Renee), because nothing's more fun than a drunken, magical Japanese badger.
3. G Squared Kitty (courtesy Carrie), for providing perhaps my only opportunity to pass along the Guglielmino name.
4. Fuzzbutt (courtesy Jessie from South Dakota), an appropriate name since I now have white hair all over my clothing and furniture.
5. Benjamin Franklin (courtesy Jen from Ohio), because we in Philly can't name enough things after our hero!
6. Heathcliff (courtesy Mom), since the idea of naming my cat after Heath Ledger made me laugh for several hours.
7. Mister Winter (courtesy RPS Amy), since it made such sense with his beautiful coat.
8. Lucas (courtesy Maia), because he looks light, like an angel cat.
9. Jack (courtesy Mariya and Christina), because I picked him out the same day as Jack Frost visited Philly for the first time this winter.
10. Blizzard (courtesy Dad, Maureen, Holly and several others), because it just makes sense for a white cat.
Tonight we head to the vet, where I hope to find a solution to the eating quandry. Then I'm to Denver for a business trip, so no blog entries for a few days. Enjoy the rest of your week!
Janine & Nookie